Saturday, September 27, 2014

Breath in, breath out...

At work, I tried to put the deliveries into the frig too hastily. Picked up a crate, didn't see the one underneath that fell on the floor, stepped on that one and landed next to it:
  one black and blue knee with a bit less skin on it.

 I limped to bed later that day and woke up with a nasty mosquito bite on the other leg. It quickly became a big,red, hot, itchy, painfull "disk".

I noticed the joint in my pinky finger was sore. Arthitis of some kind. Red, hot, painfull, not able to bend. My Mum had it too. Doctor's advice: stop whatever you're doing craft/sew/quilt wise. That's the best thing. (not going to happen, love)

Next day, sat in a chair reaching for something that was out of reach. I still tried but the wood inside the armrest was stronger than my ribcage: the feel and sound of a "crack" and one badly bruised rib.
Painkillers don't really work and just breathing is a challenge.

Getting old is not for sissies.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Okay, let's do an update on my whereabouts:)
I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting to "work-mode". Falling asleep, although tired, is more like hours of tossing and turning and the bags under my eyes in the morning are there to stay, no matter whatever make-up plan I come up with.
Ah well, i will probably "get in the groove" again just before daylight saving time!

Although I started quilting the Midnight, I made little to no progress. That too, will come back, I'm sure.

September here is warm, even hot. While August was mostly grey and wet,but the sun came back for an encore! Summer dresses are out of the closet again!
Next week temps will drop again, so let's enjoy while it lasts..

I did spent a day doing something quilty, as I drove  to Quilting DD to help layering and basting a finished quilttop she made. And since my tiny appletree came up with a crate ful of apples I decide to bake and bring an applepie. That's very a-typical of me; I hate baking and cooking and, to be honest, my last " baking a pie"attempts were pathetic. But i felt convidend and look what I baked!!!

It was delicious and DD and I nearly ate it all :)(breakfast and lunch)
I also made apple compôte or in Dutch "appelmoes", here in progress

It all turned out só good that yesterday...
Tadááá!! and there are still enough apples left for more....
Maybe I should sew an apple miniquilt as well. Already found a pattern. There must be some fysical (sewing) exersize after eating TWO pies LOL