Friday, September 08, 2023


 I put the red/white aside, ‘cause I got bored by all those square in a square blocks. Instead I picked up the scrappy stars, my “on the go” project. But then…: squirrel!!

Something completely different, and easy to sew. The correct measurements took me a while, I found I had nót printed the template at a 100%. My printer is the most simple one available and instead of fighting the thing for that 100%, I simply drew a template on old fashioned inch paper. Faster and accurate!

I put the newest addition to the family to the test and she most certainly did not disappoint. She sews beautifully, even with the thin 60/3 Precensia thread.
I don’t think that the recipient of this project reads my blog, so this is what I’m doing:

What’ya mean different styles? LOL
And who says you can’t do 2 or 3 projects at the same time?