Friday, September 06, 2024

Sidewalk garden

 About a year ago, the town council decided to get rid of the existing trees in my street and replace them with new ones. The old trees weren’t exactly thriving, so new plantholes were digged, filled with richer earth and new trees were planted. The plantholes however, were twice as big as before ( why ???) and we were stuck with basically a dog and cat toilet next to our car ‘s parking spot.

My neighbour, who loves to garden, was gifted a bag of seeds and we quickly decided to toss loads around the tree.

And what a surprise this turned out to be!

Everytime we thought the flowers were done as they withered, new ones with new colours appeared! 
We had mainly yellow for a while, then all was blue, white, pink and now we have these ( 

We even grew 2 buddleia’s LOL
For comparison: this his how the other plantholes look
and this is ours..
It s a gift that keeps on giving😄😄🥰