Tuesday, February 02, 2016


There's this thing going round called the 365 challenge. With my eyes closed, I jumped in. After all: what's an extra UFO or 2 (4, 6....)
Yesterday's block was called "frame" and there were hst's involved. Small ones...1" ones.
I picked not very contrasting fabrics to disguise any mismatched points.
And now, by miracle, my points match. I have no place to show off but here.
I hated this block and I'm glad it's done.
After this block, this quilt, a Nearly Insane quilt will be like a walk in the park on a sunny day.
"I love sewing 1" hst's" said no quilter ever.
On the challenge facebook page people claim they have "sooooo much fun" when making this block.
Fuck off, get a life


  1. Nou niet onbetamelijk worden als oma. Denk aan het nog op te voeden borelingske!:)
