Monday, March 29, 2021

If not now, then when..?

We ‘re in the middle of the second lockdown since the pandemic started. Work has stopped for the second time ( high school is open for a limited amount of students per day and catering is closed, so nothing to do for me as caterer). I found my quilting mojo during the first lockdown in March ‘21, after a really really long time. I never stopped reading everyone else ‘s blog, just neglected mine and considered starting it up again during the first  lockdown, first time schools were fully closed. After all: something was happening again quilting wise and above all it seemed such a significant time in our life, that, somehow I started to feel the need to record “something”
Laptop died since, so I’m depending on an old mini iPad and I already hate blogging on it ..But if I am starting  up this old blog again then yes: if not now....


  1. it's been a looong four years and i have missed you!!!

  2. Welcome back in blogland!
