Sunday, September 09, 2012

Deep cleanse...

To be frank, I was a tiny bit dissapointed about the state my Feather was in. I assumed the seller, who stated it was checked and oiled, would have done a better job. Seller is well known among Feather owners here and offers Feathers frequently.
A friend who specializes in restoring oldtimer motorcycles,  is enthousiastic about ANY old machine, regardless what it does (ride, sew, saw...) He took a good look and told me it was just wiped of, oiled and that was about it.

When I first plugged her in and tried to sew she rattled. And I mean RATTLED. Ough!
The bobbin/bobbincase as far as i could tell, made that noise.
So! time for research and elbowgrease!
 It even took some heavy machinery to blow a cloud of dust out. (no worry, it can blow gently!)
I replaced the smelly oil and grease soaked drip pad (grrr flipped pic ofcourse)
and gave her a good rub. There was also a 56 year old feltpack beneath the stitchplate and couple of old threads on the back of the bobbin housing.

NOW she's shiny! (and clean) And she started to hum instead of rattle and moan. Now we're talking!
Next problem is her stitching. Afterall, that's why she's here. She makes a bit of a zigzaggy stitch instead of a straight one and loops on top and sometimes below.
Checked the bobbin tension and it seemed okay. The problem is probably in the uppertension and more specific the tension nob, but I won't dismantle that untill my maintenance/manual book arrives.
Now got to find a place/website where i can order lubricant, oil and more much wanted items.
Last pic (can anyone please tell me WHY blogger flips perfectly straight pictures??)
A "certificate" the Singer Company mailed. How fun! I might even consider framing it *lol*


  1. Nou ze glimt wel prachtig zeg. Hopelijk krijg je de steek nog goed.
    Maar hoe kom je nou aan zo'n certificaat. WIL IK OOK !!!!

  2. Ze ziet er weer tiptop uit! Maar eigenlijk zou je verwachten dat ze schoon geleverd wordt en dat zeker het binnenwerk er goed uitziet.

    Wat de flippende foto's betreft: je zou kunnen proberen de kolom breder te maken. Misschien zijn de foto's te breed. (ik heb dit probleem nog nooit gehad en roep dus maar iets)

  3. Hoi Annemiek,
    Heb je de foto's bewerkt? Bij mij gebeurt het draaien van de foto's alleen als de originelen van mijn iPodtouch afkomen, blijkbaar herkent blogger de wijzigingen niet. Soms helpt het om de foto een keer rechts en een keer links te draaien en dan pas te uploaden...Met mijn camera heb ik dat probleem gebeurt dus iets met het herkennen van het origineel. Maar hoe je dit kunt voorkomen? geen idee. Maar je bent dus niet de enige die dit probleem heeft...en wel eens gefrustreerd is.
