Monday, July 21, 2014

Oh shit!

No apologies to anyone who might think that saying "shit" is swearing. I'm feeling the F word but settled for S.....
In the midst of sewing a t shirt/top for Baking DD and planning a sewing day with Quilting DD, my machine broke down..
For some unknown reason the needle isn't in the middle anymore. ????? This means I cannot use the twinneedle (necessary for sewing knits!).
My sewing frenzy came to an abrupt end. I can call the dealer no sooner than tomorrow and keeping my fingers crossed that the Husqvarna technician is NOT on holiday.
and yes, instead of sewing, I cleaned the house.


  1. i hate it when that happens ... i didn't know how fond i was of Sven Thorson (the Viking) till the repair shop kept him four weeks ... and even though i had puh-lenty of handwork to do, i didn't WANT to do handwork...

    but the house was safe from cleaning - i wasn't THAT bored...

    p.s. - the eff word is one of my favorites - the ess word is a close second

  2. Soms is er niets anders te zeggen. Ik vind dat je je heel netjes hebt gehouden...... Ik hoop dat je snel weer verder kunt!
