Sunday, February 03, 2013

Old stuff

Everytime i come across a pic like this, I start drooling. I like the old sewing stuff.
A while ago I started searching in my own stash to see what i had for myself. I've inhereted my Mom's old sewing box that my dad made for here before they got married.
I even have a pic of my Mum sewing with the box in front of her!
The pic of my Mum is a bit tiny, but all i could do was either this or a blurry replica.

The sewingbox was a good place to start searching for old stuff and I found lots:)
Luckily Ikea provided shadowboxes and now these are in my sewingroom
 O jeah, blogger typical started flipping pictures again Grr.
In the embroidery hoop (that was mine when I was 8 or 10) there's a wooden thingy that looks like a seamripper. It is, in fact, a very tiny chrochet like hook, used for mending those ever so valuable and scarce panty stockings, just after WW2.
The bigger wooden darning thing was from my MIL. She was always keeping up appearances and that thing was for....mending gloves. Very typical for her to have!

Remember my HUGE pinking shears? Fits exactly next to the wooden chrochethook case. I have found more and will need another shadowbox!
Nice thing is that i now can enjoy my old stuff every day instead of them being tucked away in a box. In real life it looks nicer than on a flipped pic; you'll have to take my word on that:)

A trip to the goodwillstore brought me an old iron that's a perfect bookend.
..and I found my own childhood/play beige Singer Sewhandy sewingmachine again. Yeey. She get's along perfect with my Featherweight.
Speaking of which..the latter seems to multiply when you are websurfing instead of quilting. After i irresponsably (did i spell that right?) spent money I got a letter from my boss about the financial crisis. In short: the company is not doing well and they are going to cut my already poor wages. Luckily (or unfortunately, that depends...) the letter came áfter my money spending spree.
More later when I recieve my impulsively bought item...


  1. Keuk he al die vintage spulletjes. Zeker als ze van je moeder zijn geweest. Wees er maar zuinig op, kostbare hebbedingen.

  2. me, too ... spending money i was supposed to earn, and then finding out that the money won't be making an appearance after all ... sigh...

    i found some treasures in my mom's sewing stuff, too - she used to keep the cams for her machine in an old chocolate-covered cherry box (and that made me go looking for the chocolate-covered cherries that Michael Myson gave me for christmas ... so yummy)and Auntia - who pushes a button for fancy stitches on HER machine - said, "What the heck are these things?!?"

    love the picture of your Mum...

  3. Al die oude spulletjes zijn zó leuk. Mijn moeder was naaister en we hadden zoveel van die stuff. Allemaal weggedaan en na jaren nog steeds spijt.
    Good luck met je baan. Het wordt zo langzamerhand echt crisis in ons land. Eerder zouden we gaan staken in geval van salarisverlaging en nu zijn we blij als we onze baan kunnen houden.
