Saturday, November 23, 2013

Orange peel block applique

After watching loads of YouTubes and some trial and error, this is how I do my Orange Peel blocks for the Midnight...quilt: the freezer paper way!I thought it best to write it down for my own future reference:)

-First trace the template onto freezerpaper and cut them out (loads of them) and iron on the RIGHT side of the fabric. Cut it out with a small seamallowance.

Peel the paper of, put it on the WRONG side of the fabric piece, shiny side up and iron the seam-allowance on the shiny side of the freezerpaper. It sticks! (if the iron is hot enough!) It can be done with a regular iron, but since I have this nifty thing, I might as well use it!
Note: ironing the points down and then the sides, did NOT work for me: I got blunt points :(

 All done!
 Dab a bit of fabricglue on the inside of the dog ear
...and on the outside.

 and fold the dog ear back.

 Tadáá, sharp point...
I found the glue pen from Sewline VERY helpfull. I didn't remember that I had it, but came across it while searching for suitable fabric scraps...
 Draw a diagonal line on the background fabric.
 and put glue on a quarter of the lines. Sewline glue pen is blue, but white after it dries
 put the prepared fabric on the line, you don't even have to pin it. I stitched it in place with a small ladderstitch.
 Repeat 3 times and the orange peel block is done :)
Turnover, clipp away excess fabric and remove the freezerpaper
I always proclaimed applique is not for me, but now I'm at it I find it VERY addictive!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your tutorials and your color choice and I am glad you love applique now.
